Fly Be-tter to Southern Counties
In the absence of our usual and more professional photographer/correspondents, I was delegated (my arm and back are still hurting) to provide a record of the latest West Lancashire District sojourn to a distant county.
On a grey and wet Saturday morning on the 3rd February, a group of intrepid East and West Lancs Allied Masons broke new ground by chartering an aeroplane (well, slight exaggeration, we  booked seats on a Fly Be prop powered aeroplane) to visit the Southern Counties District Meeting in Southampton. The DGP for East Lancashire agreed to Brethren from West Lancashire joining in a block booking kindly arranged by W. Bro Rod Geeson DGJW of East Lancashire.
Unfortunately, the DGP for West Lancashire and our District Secretary couldn't attend due to other Masonic commitments (they don't miss many of these occasions) but the DepDGP, William Richmond was there to keep us safe and on track (well almost) as we negotiated airport security.
After an uneventful taxi Journey, we arrived at Manchester around 7am, in plenty of time for the 8.40am flight. However, after checking in we found that negotiating security, even for an internal flight, presented a challenge; particularly for one of the Brethren (no name no pack drill) who had a 'suspicious' article in his items tray. It took three security staff around 15 minutes to examine the offending object which turned out to be an antique, but very much still working, mobile phone (1980 vintage?) much treasured by the owner.  The youngish looking security staff hadn't seen anything like it and needed an explanation of what it was, initially suspecting it to be an IED (work it out for yourselves). A few more minutes delay and we would have missed the gate.
We eventually boarded the plane and welcomed on board by the senior flight steward with a "Fraternal greetings Brethren", we  didn't have time for a conversation with him, but he must have recognised our outfits, these Masons get everywhere. I should have asked was he an Allied Mason but missed the opportunity.
I think the time taken in security was probably longer than the uneventful flight down to Southampton, it seemed no sooner had we taken off  than we were landing. We were met by Southern Counties Brethren who kindly transported us us to the Masonic Hall, just in time for coffee and bacon barms, how's that for timing.
The Council meeting followed the usual pattern, but there was a surprise item with the DGP for Southern Counties announcing that, after 10 years service, this was to be his last year as DGP. He was obviously a popular leader as he received a standing ovation from all present. The DGP also referred to the Grand Master and offered the best wishes of the Brethren for a speedy recovery.
There followed an interesting menu for dinner, with a haggis being piped in to the dining room and Rabbie Burns' Ode to the Haggis being recited, a tot of whiskey accompanied the haggis and neeps. This was followed by fish chips and peas accompanied by wine, and then fruit salad and ice cream with tea / coffee to finish.
After the formalities were over we were kindly transported back to the airport by the local Brethren and arrived with a couple of hours to spare before the flight back, giving time for a cup of coffee and a chat about the day's events.
Time to go through security again, talk about lightening striking twice - men in dark suits must look sinister to the security staff - because a number of our Brethren were soon in a state of distress (or should that be undress) some being frisked from braces to shoe laces. I wished that I could display the 2 photos I took at the time, but a zealous security officer made me delete them!!!
The flight back and taxi home in pouring rain were quite mundane in comparison to the earlier events, but all in all it was a great day. Many thanks to the East Lancashire Brethren for the travel arrangements, and to the Brethren from Southern Counties for their kindness in arranging transfers in Southampton. A special thanks go to the hard working and vigilant airport staff at Manchester and Southampton, not much gets past them, certainly not in our case!
Here's to our next merry meeting.
(Note -Some names have been redacted by the Editor in Chief to avoid potential claims for defamation)
Other Airlines and Airports are Available!
Words and Photos by the Assistant to the Assistant West Lancashire AMD Correspondent.